Artificial Intelligence
Daniel Lainsa Daniel Lainsa

Artificial Intelligence

Once again, the technology industry is going through a period of important changes, which will -once again- not only change the industry, but probably society and perhaps even the entire humanity…

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The Metaverse
Daniel Lainsa Daniel Lainsa

The Metaverse

Could a large-scale revolution be achieved now with the Metaverse?

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A Key Moment
Daniel Lainsa Daniel Lainsa

A Key Moment

At this crucial moment, all companies in the ICT Industry, large, medium and small, need to think more than ever about their evolution in the coming years…

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The Iberian Peninsula: new digital hub
Daniel Lainsa Daniel Lainsa

The Iberian Peninsula: new digital hub

The ICT industry is currently increasing its growth pace, in general and in particular in the Iberian Peninsula. Several factors are coinciding in time, making it a geographically privileged enclave for the coming years.

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